
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

2010 Is Completely Yours (PART 2)

2011 Is Completely Yours

Part 2

It means that you believe that you can change, that you will not indulge in self blame or make excuses, that you will not wishful think and concentrate solely or your results. It means that you understand your motivation and the reasons why your resolutions are important. They are a part of you. You are an important investment and important investments require time. By investing your time effort you are sure to be successful. Focus on one thing at a time acknowledge distractions but be sure to move forward.

Designate a friend or mentor to share your success stories with. Research indicates that those who are successful at making changes have excellent support systems. Many of those who make resolutions never tell others about them. Consciously or subconsciously, that way if they fail no one will view them as a failure. Communicating your resolution and intentions actually increases your accountability to the behavior. From the very beginning it is important to share your objectives and goals with those around you so that you can enlist their support. Knowing that you are accountable to someone other than yourself will help to keep you on track.

Be very persistent. Don't give up! Don't surrender to temptation, difficulty or temporary failure. Persist until you achieve the goal. Last but certainly not least, cultivate personal integrity and commitment. This is the very oxygen that you will need to cross that finish line of accomplishment. The seeds and flowers of achieving any resolution are invariably the same; neither the size of the resolution nor the person achieving it matters. Successful New Year's Resolutions consist of a clear purpose. I hope you have that pen and paper handy.

For a dream to become a goal, it must be specific. Being thin is an image, losing 10 pounds by March 1 is a true resolution. Be clear on what you want to achieve. Make a New Year's Resolution that you have a real, bona fide intention of keeping. The truth is most people have not made a genuine, serious, no-kidding-around-I-really-mean-to-do-this New Year's Resolution! Put it in writing. Describe precisely what you want, how you will earn it, when you will have it, and the benefits you'll receive from achieving your resolution. Write the details, but don't make it complex. When you put it in writing, you increase your chances of moving to the next step and increasing your level of commitment. Your mind, while blessed with permanent memory, is cursed with lousy recall. Writing your resolution goes a long way towards achieving it.

Commit yourself, I cannot stress this enough. Commitment is essential and habitual. Be consistent. Consistency is the heartbeat of your goal.  I wish for you a New Year of health, wealth, and happiness. May you give yourself many gifts to include: gifts of LOVE, PATIENCE, and FAITH. I encourage you to pursue your resolutions with open arms and to believe deeply in yourself and your ability to enjoy the rewards of resolutions and dreams achieved.

2011 Will Be Yours!


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