
Friday, December 17, 2010

Ways To Avoid Saying I LOVE YOU

Ways To Avoid Saying I LOVE YOU

Dwayne Rogers-  Contributor

I love you.

At some point, we all dream of having those three words lavished upon us by a significant other. But what happens when you start dating someone that drops the “L” bomb on you a little too soon? If faced with such an unfortunate predicament, then immediately resort to the following 
5 Ways To Avoid Saying I Love You. By taking my advice, you’ll be able to dodge that untimely phrase until the feeling is mutual.

Number 5- Say Something Funny
A great way to weasel your way out of the moment is to lighten the mood. Use whatever has made them laugh in the past. While I understand that not everyone has the ability to drop a classic joke at the drop of a dime, I’m sure you can think of something. Try a line like, “I wonder how John McCain reaches the cereal on the top shelf?” They may not fall for it, but at least it will buy you a few more seconds before you commence with plan B.

Number 4- Kiss Them
A kiss is the perfect way to express care and concern, without having to address the moment directly. So pucker up and lay a passionate kiss on them. Now it can’t be a kiss like the one you give the old ladies at church after they offer you a piece of candy …you really have to sell it.

Number 3- Tell A “Crazy” Relationship Story
As soon as they say ‘I love you,’ immediately straighten up. Tell them that you’re not ready to hear those words because of what happened the “last time.”“In my last relationship, I was told that early on, and they turned out to be an escaped felon wanted in 6 states for being a serial midget abuser.”

They will undoubtedly get defensive and start trying to convince you that they’re not crazy. They may even show you a certificate they received for completing the “Little People Sensitivity Workshop” at work. Problem solved, as you have effectively steered the conversation away from your response.

Number 2- Challenge Them
If you believe it’s too early for them to say I love you, then call them out on it. Remind them that it’s only been three weeks since you met, and that two of those weeks their phone was cut off due to nonpayment. That should shut it down real quick. It may hurt their feelings, but at least you’ll get your point across.

Number 1- Be Straight Up
Honesty is always the best policy. Sometimes it can be the most uncomfortable option, but it gets top billing on my list. Tell them you appreciate how they feel, but you just aren’t there yet. They may feel slighted, but at least they’ll respect your honesty.

Regardless of how you handle the situation, keep this one thing in mind: You should never play with someone’s emotions. If the feeling isn’t mutual, then don’t take the easy way out by saying ‘I love you too.’ Once you cross that line, there’s no turning back. You’ll avoid a lot of confusion down the road if you remain honest about your feelings and respectful of theirs.

Has someone ever told you “I love you” too soon? How did you handle the situation? On the flipside, have you ever expressed that same sentiment to someone, only to be rejected? Let me know what happened.

Dwayne Rogers


  1. its like saying goodnight!!! Simply falls off their tongue...

  2. who is to set a limit on when is the right time to tell some one you love them or are in love with them. I proposed to my wife after 3 months of dating.

  3. These days people dont know the value of love. That is why the word is used so easily. ;0)

  4. ..or they don't say it at all...

  5. They r desperate for love..thats y

  6. Yup kinda creepy .. its thrown out there like it has no meaning

  7. If saying I LOVE YOU too fast its scary, not saying at all can leave one of the parties feeling hollow. To tell you the truth, I believe we have turned into Automated and Emotionless Machines that are afraid to feel, to give, to love and to receive. Whether it's a product of society, or past experiences? it really doesn't matter. But why hold back? It's like we are constantly being told or taught how NOT TO: trust, love, believe, give, hope, expect......why?

  8. For me love takes a loooong time to develop because it starts with trust

  9. Slow your roll lol :-)

  10. I don't think that Saying "I LOVE YOU" has a time restraint! Either you feel IT or you DONT!

  11. I think people confuse love with crush. Love is forever, its deep.

  12. Maybe I'm Old Fashioned, but when someone that I hardly know says "I Love You" to me...I ask them what night they are free to spend the Night....

  13. In relationships there really should not be a time frame for saying I love you. Sometimes a person knows that what they feel is true and feels they r ready to say it whether it be in the beginning or a few months/years into the relationship...

  14. I think you cant control feelings but your brain has to play a role. You have to be wise and get to know someone first. You cant Love what you barely know.

  15. Men say it fast cuz they want booty, women say it fast cuz they want the $$$$$$$

  16. I think people are quick to say I Love You because they have the wrong impression about love. I mean if you've said I Love You before to someone and the relationship hasn't really gone in the right direction then your definition of I Love You needs to be reconsidered.

  17. In a Real solid Relationship, you Know when Someone Loves You and they Know that they are Loved...These words need not be Spoken...But when they are, it can be as a Gentle Breeze or a Full Cat.5 Hurricane...

  18. Good Sex does not constitute an "I Love You"

  19. u have to go with the flow and if it feels feels great. Can't over analyze watcha feel . :)

  20. It's a little hard to distinguish between truly being in love with someone or being in that attraction/euphoric stage. The words should be said with it's true meaning when u have spent enough time with that person to see their strengths and weaknesses and even bad habits and still feel that strong bond..that loving feeling. The falling in love stage is awesome because that is when your getting to know them and luv what ur seeing and feeling so far.

  21. When that happens... RUN LIKE HELL! that is a major 'Red Flag"

  22. LOL...There are no rules:) Love is an action word. You feel it when you feel it, you say it when you mean it. I don't think time, place and circumstance is a determining factor of a feeling that comes from within.

  23. I am not saying that we should not fall in love. But, if we would take a little more time to get to know each other instead of plunging ourselves into love. Then, we would not have so many lonely broken hearted individuals who end up getting into relationships that end up in divorces that lead to broken families which are the nucleus of our society. Therefore, if we have broken families then we have a broken society.

  24. see that's why it's simple when your O es Te quiero which we tend to say to just about everyone whom we care about OR es te amo which then is completely something else! SI O NO??? LOL

  25. ‎"I love this way because I got it as a kid." ~ Common
    Most of new relationships regardless of geographical location are based on the initial attraction and/or feelings one has for the other; not only because of looks, but also that individuals personality. We all crave for affection and we all wish to give it (it's natural), it's up to you to cypher through the layers of bs before you can deterime true sincere feelings and drop the "I love you". Peace & monkey grease! P.S. I ♥ you.
