
Thursday, December 9, 2010



Willie Fernandez-  Contributor

If you think of a squirrel in the winter, it spends most of its time collecting and storing food to make it thru the winter. They take one nut out at a time as needed to survive. Women are no different than a squirrel especially in an argument. I bet you are wondering, ‘How so?’

A Guy and a girl are having a sensible discussion. The guy says something that the girl really doesn’t like. Rather than addressing it at the moment, she stores it for future use (like a squirrel stores his nuts). A few weeks go by and they are in another argument. This time she is losing the argument and not getting her point across. In order to change the tide of the argument to her favor, she pulls a squirrel tactic, and brings out the issue that took place weeks ago and uses it against the guy. Mind you, it has nothing to do with the argument at hand. She stored the issue like a squirrel stores its food, and then brings it out when needed. 

This tactic in many cases will actually escalate an argument and create animosity between parties. It is always best to address any issue at the moment. Express how you feel, and if you have been hurt, let the person know. If you move past the argument, there is no need to rehash it n the future. If you didn’t address it, consider it dead, but don’t be a squirrel.  ;)

Willie Fernandez


  1. Have to admit, VERY good article; but not all women are squirrels.....

    Conclusion-soooooo very true: It is always best to address any issue at the moment. Express how you feel, and if you have been hurt, let the person know. If you move past the argument, there is no need to rehash it n the future. If you didn’t address it, consider it dead, but don’t be a squirrel. ;)

  2. Ok... Now I get the comparison, but I agree w/Melissa...not all women are squirrels... I for one, once I've said my peace, it is done.. No time to dwell... Moving right along....

  3. In some cases true! In my case for being upfront and not falling into the Grey area about what I like and don't like I get called abrasive! So it's kind of a No win situation. Also Miami Men and Women are in a league of their own! Lots of attitude here and the Bi-Polar Epidemic is serious! LOL
