
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Marketing Firm Looks to Crown "America's Cupcake Queen" 2011

Marketing Firm Looks to Crown "America's Cupcake Queen" 2011

The rise of the Cupcake baking business is so explosive that even people that aren’t even old enough to drive are opening for business. In the last 3 years, cupcake baking has become a popular trend. So much so that The Food Network launched a reality based competition called “Cupcake Wars”.

The cupcake baking business is springing up in every neighborhood, every jurisdiction – across the United States. You can see their creative websites, Facebook pages, recipe blogs, and even their logos as sponsors for multiple events-almost anywhere.

As part of market research and ongoing social media campaigns, the Marketing Firm that set forth the 2010 Business Challenge and America’s Best Photographer Contest, Whilly Bermudez Media- continues its “America’s Best” series with a nationwide 'Social Media Contest' to crown "America's Cupcake Queen 2011". The process calls upon people from all walks of life to 'nominate' their favorite Cupcake baker/creator.

The nominated bakers and their respective Logos will then be placed on display in the WB Media Facebook page. Facebook users can then cast votes for their favorite Cupcake Master simply by "Liking" their logo within the respective photo album. The contest begins April 4, 2011 and runs until April 22, 2011-at noon. The Cupcake baker / stylist with the most "Likes" under their logo will win bragging rights of "America's Cupcake Queen 2011" as well as a Free Marketing Services for their business- provided by and other perks.

The entire voting process takes place on the company's Facebook Page but you can nominate your favorite baker by sending an email along with their logo to:  (nominations/registrations will be accepted only until April 1st 2011) 

For questions, please contact or send an email to the address above.

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